Doors, Boot Lids & Hatches
Mehr InformationenAt the Global Parts automotive store, we offer a wide selection of original used car parts including doors, trunk lids and flaps for many popular car brands such as BMW, Mini, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen and others. The Doors, trunk lids and flaps we offer undergo quality control so that you can be sure that you are receiving a top-class product.
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Artikelnummer: 8K0831051J
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Artikelnummer: 7295570
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Artikelnummer: 0036150
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Artikelnummer: 7182290
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Artikelnummer: 9813513
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Artikelnummer: 7298825
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Artikelnummer: A2047570229
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Artikelnummer: 0445185
Türgriff BMW F21 LCI Exteriror Vorne Hinten Links Sunset Orange Metallic C1X
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Artikelnummer: 7044147
BMW 7 er E66 Schachtabdeckung Innen Hinten Links 7044147
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Artikelnummer: 7060299
BMW 3 er E90 E91 Komplette Griff Tur Rechts Hinten Spacegrau Metallic Grau
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Artikelnummer: A2046860036
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Artikelnummer: A2097500828
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Artikelnummer: 8T0837249
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Artikelnummer: A1776801105
Mercedes W177 AMG Frontleiste Schwellerabdeckung Links Rechts A1776801105
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Artikelnummer: 7416536
BMW X4M F98 Fenster Leiste Zierleiste Tür Leiste Hochglanz Hinten Rechts 7416536
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Artikelnummer: 9166134
Dichtung BMW F13 F12 F06 Front II Seite Rahmen Rechts Schalldämmung 9166134
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Artikelnummer: 7295569
BMW F33 F83 M4 Vordere linke Tür Fensterleiste Zierleiste A-Säule Hochglanz
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Artikelnummer: 7069759
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Artikelnummer: 8402563
BMW X5 er E53 Abdeckung Fensterrahmen Tür hinten links 51348402563 8402563
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Artikelnummer: A2128110298
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Artikelnummer: 7033786
BMW 5 er E60 E60N E61 E61N Schachtabdichtung Innen Tür Vorne Rechts 7033786
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Artikelnummer: A2047200371
Mercedes W204 Abdeckung Fensterrahmen vorne links Türverkleidung A2047200371
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Artikelnummer: 8175083
BMW E38 Hintere Türdichtung Dichtungsstreifen Gummi Kantenschutz Links 8175083
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Artikelnummer: A2047600170
Mercedes W204 Haltegriff Linke Tür Palladium Silber Metallic - 792
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Artikelnummer: 7291405
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Artikelnummer: A2207300219
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse W220 Scheibenführung Fensterführung Hinten Rechts
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Artikelnummer: A1697270458
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Artikelnummer: A1647400637
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Artikelnummer: 8K0837901M
Audi A4 B8 Finisher Fenster vorne links Rahmen B-Säule Trim Tür Hochglanz
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Artikelnummer: 5H6827550K
VW Golf CD1 8 Druckgasfeder Links Rechts Heckklappe Kofferraum 5H6827550K
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Artikelnummer: A2097500728
Mercedes CLK C209 W209 Kofferraum hinten links Scharnier Obsidian Schwarz 197
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Artikelnummer: 7182303
BMW 5 Series F10 Abdichtung Türfuge Dach Tür Hinten Links 7182303
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Artikelnummer: 7322508
Mini Cooper One F55 Dichtung Tuerfuge Unten Vorne 7322508
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Artikelnummer: 4817294
BMW 5 er F10 F11 Schachtabdeckung Aussen Tür Vorn Rechts ALU SATINIERT
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Artikelnummer: A2037580158
Mercedes W203 Hinten Kofferraum Klappe Emblem Stern Logo Abzeichen A2037580158
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Artikelnummer: 8U0853960M
Audi Q3 8U Fronttürverkleidung Zierleiste Abdeckung rechts Amalfi Weiss - Y9K
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Artikelnummer: 7416532
BMW X4M F98 Abdeckung B Säule Tür Schwarz Zierleiste Säule Hinten Rechts 7416532
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Artikelnummer: 8X4833052B
Audi A1 8X Tür Hinten Rechts Nano Grau Metallic - X7M
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Artikelnummer: 8W0837811A
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Artikelnummer: A1667200105
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Artikelnummer: 2755936
Mini Cooper R55 R56 R57 R58 Tür Vorne Rechts Chili Red Rot - 851
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Artikelnummer: 51247069310
Mini Cooper One R50 R53 R56 R56N LCI JCW Bowdenzug Heckklappe 7069310
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Artikelnummer: 8036784
BMW X5 E70 Kanalabdeckung äußere Tür hinten rechts Alu Satiniert
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Artikelnummer: 51357906913
BMW 3 er E90 E90N Blende Fensterführungssteg Links Glanzschwarz 7906913
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Artikelnummer: 7263383
BMW 3 er F30 F31 LCIBlende B-Säule Tür Vorne Links Glanzschwarz 7263383
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Artikelnummer: 7267906
BMW 1 2 er F21 F22 Schachtabdichtung Innen Tür Vorne Rechts 7267906
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Artikelnummer: 9808755
Mini R61 Paceman Tür Bremse Stopper Vorne Links Rechts 9808755
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Artikelnummer: 8175084
BMW E38 Hintere Türdichtung Dichtungsstreifen Gummi Kantenschutz Links 8175084
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Artikelnummer: 0445184
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Artikelnummer: A2047600270
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Artikelnummer: A1646910230
Mercedes W164 Trunk Innen Verkleidung Abdeckung Grau Hinten Rechts A1646910230
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Artikelnummer: 7301758
Türgriff BMW i3 I01 Grab Rear Right O/S Mechanism Carrier Unit 7301758
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Artikelnummer: 6784443
BMW F01 F02 Werkzeug Box Heck Kofferraum Klappe Heckklappe Innenraum 6784443
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Artikelnummer: A1699801064
Mercedes W169 Heckklappe Gasdruckfeder A1699801064
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Artikelnummer: 8R0827505A
Kofferraumschloss Audi A3 8V Heckklappe Kofferraumverriegelung Hinten 8R0827505A
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Artikelnummer: A2197500128
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Artikelnummer: A2117400137
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Artikelnummer: A2037200205
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Artikelnummer: A2537402500
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Artikelnummer: A1647401370
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Artikelnummer: 7289947
BMW F34 GT Fenster Blende Tür Verkleidung Hinten Links Hoch Glanz 7289947
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Artikelnummer: 0390078
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Artikelnummer: 7383563
BMW G30 Kofferraum scharnier Abdeckung hinten rechts Heckklappe Panel 7383563
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Artikelnummer: 8223777
BMW 7 er E66 Abdeckung Fensterrahmen Tür Hinten Links Schwarz 8223777
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Artikelnummer: 9805929
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Doors, Boot Lids & Hatches
Doors, trunk lids and tailgates: functionality, aesthetics and protection for your vehicle
Doors, trunk lids and flaps are not only body parts that give the car an elegant look, but above all components responsible for the safety and comfort of using the vehicle. From solid door construction to practical solutions related to trunk lids - each of these elements must be fully functional for your vehicle to operate flawlessly. In the Global Parts automotive store you will find a wide selection of used car parts including doors , trunk lids and flaps for brands such as BMW , Audi , Volkswagen , Mercedes , Mini and others.
What components are included in the doors, trunk lids and flaps?
Doors, trunk lids and tailgates consist of many important parts that together ensure their functionality and durability. Key elements include:
- Doors and door sheets – Key bodywork elements that protect the vehicle interior and ensure comfort of use.
- Door handles – Responsible for opening and closing the door, available in various versions (mechanical, electric).
- Door seals – They protect the interior against water, noise and dust, improving the vehicle’s acoustic insulation.
- Sliding doors – Mainly used in vans and delivery vehicles, providing convenient entry and saving space.
- Gas springs, locks, hinges and other parts – They are responsible for the efficient operation of doors, trunk lids and bonnets, ensuring convenient opening and closing.
- Strips, seals and fittings – Protect against water, dust and noise, while giving the elements an elegant appearance.
Each of these components must be made of materials resistant to corrosion, mechanical damage and atmospheric factors.
Why is it worth taking care of doors, trunk lids and flaps?
Regular maintenance and replacement of damaged door, boot and flap components is key to maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your vehicle. Neglecting these parts can lead to:
- Difficulty opening and closing doors or trunk lids.
- Loss of sealing, which may cause water or noise to enter the vehicle interior.
- Corrosion and weakening of the structure, which reduces the safety and value of the vehicle.
At Global Parts we offer original used car parts , which allow for quick and effective repair of these elements.
How to choose the right doors, trunk lids and flaps?
When choosing doors, trunk lids and flaps , such as tailgates or locks, it is worth paying attention to:
- Matching to the vehicle model – Each car model has specific technical requirements. At Global Parts you will find doors, trunk lids and flaps that fit perfectly for brands such as BMW , Audi , Volkswagen , Mercedes , Mini and others.
- Technical condition – Make sure components are free from corrosion, cracks and other damage.
- Finish and color – If you want a perfect visual match, choose elements in the appropriate color or decide to paint them after purchase.
Why choose used doors, trunk lids and flaps?
Car parts second-hand is a solution that allows you to save without compromising on quality. By choosing used doors, trunk lids and flaps , you gain:
- Lower costs – Used components are much cheaper than new ones, but offer equally high quality.
- Ecology – Choosing used car parts , you support recycling and reduce the amount of automotive waste.
- Wide selection – At Global Parts you will find doors and flaps for the most popular car brands, making it easy to find the right components.
How to take care of doors, trunk lids and flaps?
To ensure that your vehicle's doors, trunk lids and tailgates function efficiently and look aesthetically pleasing for a long time, remember a few rules:
- Wash and maintain these items regularly to protect them from corrosion and damage.
- Check the condition of seals to avoid leaks and noise from entering the vehicle.
- Replace damaged locks, hinges and gas struts to ensure full functionality.
At Global Parts you will find the right car parts , which will restore your vehicle's full functionality and aesthetics.
Summary: doors, trunk lids and flaps at the Global Parts Automotive Store
Doors, trunk lids and flaps are elements that combine the aesthetics, functionality and safety of your vehicle. By taking care of their technical condition, you ensure comfort and confidence during every journey. The Global Parts automotive store cordially invites you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of original used car parts . Regardless of whether you are looking for car parts for BMW , Audi , Volkswagen , Mercedes or Mini - you will find them with us at competitive prices. We make every effort to ensure that every customer finds the right parts for their car/car with us, and in case of any questions or doubts related to the selection of the right components, we will be happy to help! Please contact us - we are here to help you! For more information and curiosities, we also invite you to our automotive blog .